Rubber Brains Bounce
Immediately after composing that last entry, I stayed up all night and finished A Darkling Plane . It was one of those crazed, 16 hour runs. When noon came, and the finished, printed script sat beside me, I covered my head in pillows and couldn't sleep. I remember a time when that was a weekly occurence. I remember, dimly, a time when it seemed nightly. So. It is done. I may have slipped it in just under a year's time. My last screenplay, Occult Blood , was finished only weeks after arriving in Harlem, and A Darkling Plane started up a few days later. Late last August, I estimate. Thus. I wrote four screenplays in my first year out of college, and a fifth in my second. I cannot place what happened there, except to imagine that it's somewhere around fear and disappointment. Doubt and discouragement. How will a fifth screenplay (or, now, a sixth) do what the previous have failed? How can I believe this is requisite to entering a new life? How could writin...