Good Guesses
So, I guess I got a job. And I guess I start Monday. And I guess it's not too far of a drive, and they won't make me pay for parking, and it's full time, and it's enough to pay all my bills, with a tad to spare. So I guess I should be pleased. But I wish I could get over this week's intense case of writer's block. I'm going to take a break from Storybook Park , I believe. At least until I get more feedback, more inspiration. It feels too much like beating my head against a wall, and I don't want to kill it. Caroline should soon be back from Peru and points beyond, meaning I can return to work on Insignificant Others . Meanwhile, I've been working on the Misplaced Planet Website . Once I have that in a presentable shape again, I'll move on to cleaning up my own website... Don't know why. Guess it counts as a hobby.