Contrivances and Rom-Coms

When you're writing a story, it's important to fulfill the promise of your premise. You need to fully explore your concept, you need to make every event spring from that central idea and enhance that concept. You can't get distracted or side-tracked. To maintain unity, you should always stick to your premise. Except of course when you shouldn't. The Ultralight Some of the best comedies succeed by using a very light-weight, very natural premise. With very little plot to follow, it makes comic digressions and set-pieces easy to integrate. Nothing feels like a side-track if there's no main path. This freedom lets the characters lead the way, lets the comedy spring from common human thoughts and experiences. A simple premise keeps the comedy grounded. Christmas Vacation Some successful examples might include The Hangover , Grown Ups , or Christmas Vacation . There's also When Harry Met Sally . It has almost no plot whatsoever, but rather, a qu...