The Future is Listening

I was sucked into a cheesey sci-fi flick last night. It was called Frequency. As a result, I've been considering what I could tell myself, myself of five years ago, what I could warn, were I able to communicate through my cell phone, or maybe my livejournal...

You know, something like, "Don't take Flight 567 to LA," or "Buy Stock in Prince," or "Don't Eat the Striped Cheese." But, honestly, I can't think of much... only, I could keep it simple and just transmit, "Nah, She Won't Love You Neither." That'd basically cover it.

Hell. Maybe I'll write it now, and send it - to the future!

Nah, She Won't Love you Neither.


  1. Who's "She"? And, are you okay? I was busy last night.

  2. Oh, you know... just frustrated. And maybe amused by my own sad stories. You know how it is. Jersey makes me reflective, and that seems to bring it out of me. But, I'm glad to see you're reading this; that is oddly therapeutic.
    Tonight I'm heading back to the City. Feel free to disturb my sleep...
    Oh, and "She" is (it seems) applicable to anyone with two X chromosomes, commonly indicated by the presens of vagina and/or breasts. Of course, I am only troubled by that subgroup of "She" to whom I am affectionate and/or attracted.
    But, oop, I just received an ICQ from Future-Wilder, and he told me not to name names. Apparently, ICQ gets real popular again in a few years.


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