Let Me Put This to You Simple...

I want to know where you get those friends that people have in romantic comedies. You know, the single-lead's happy-couple-friends, the ones that see their romantic happiness, paired with their sense of friendship, as an imperative to set the single up with someone special. You know, the couple that quietly gets ready for bed, actually thinking about the loneliness of their good friend.

I am about to throw a fit. Hold on tight!


  1. I'm sorry, sweetie.
    I'd take you out for a night on the town but I'm quite sure you've become aware I'm relatively unsuitable as an object of dating anytime soon.
    And unfortunately I can't think of any friends who are (a) single and (b) sane.

  2. All my friends (including Tai) are slightly guys... or married. Married, for frig's sake.

  3. Not that sane is a big requirement for me. :) But you're off the hook, you're not in a relationship. Sometimes, a person just needs to throw a fit, and then they feel better. At least, I do. I think livejournal is a wise place for fit-throwing.

  4. You also were not on my list of people who should be more rom-com buddy. I have a hard enough time getting you to watch a DVD. But yes, the marriage epidemic is largely on my mind. The marriage epidemic, and the ever-spreading plague of child-birth.
    You interested in a part in a short film in January?

  5. It's not so much the DVD watching as it is getting up to let someone in. I'm so lazy.
    I love short film parts in January!

  6. I'll send you some information and a script to your barbandacertainhobbit e-mail address.

  7. Ah! You're right! I *am* off the hook. :)


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