A Physical Thing at Last

The physical DVD arrived in the mail this morning. I watched it all through. What a thrilling and terrifying experience. It's so amazing to see it all, but also terrifying to think that people will be seeing it and judging it.

I took a few copies over to the bar where I have lunch everyday. Alli was going to stop by to pick them up, but the waitress, Shelly, bought one for herself, and then proceeded to sell three more to regular customers. People I barely know, but see almost everyday at lunch. Industry professionals with long histories. Very nerve wracking. I am horrified at the thought of disappointing them, or looking like a fool. I am not subject to personal embarrassment, but my creative pursuits are always on fragile footing. I want to be doing well, to deserve better, so badly.

Anyway, I'll say it again: it's worth the money. It'll make you laugh at least once, or there's something seriously wrong with you. It's something to explore over and nice evening or two, maybe with friends and family. Maybe by yourself on a lonesome night. And it will help make my dream project a reality. So, shuffle on over and buy one up.


I want this to be a sign of great things becoming real. Of pleasures that I can hold in my hands.


  1. I ordered mine yesterday :) . . . I've been in North Carolina but I still want to give you some notes and figure out how I can get on the Wilder bandwagon.

  2. You're the awesomest. It is in the mail, I believe. Really hope you like it. If not, it makes a pretty attractive cup coaster.
    As for those notes, it's getting to be crunch time. I wanna see them very much, and I'm starting the storyboards! :)
    Otherwise, just show up, we've got a spot saved for you!


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