Alternative Medicine

I was tempted to respond, "Don't risk it unless a medical professional is present - and an acupuncturist doesn't count."
The placebo effect is a big part of healing. Finding ways to trigger it is not a bad thing. But taking risks with allergies, and infections, and paying someone handsomely in the process -- that shouldn't be acceptable behavior for a thinking person.
As a result of this posting, I've been reflecting on the sham triumvirate: homeopathy, chiropractic, and acupuncture. I've been searching double-blind placebo-controlled studies on all three, trying to determine how confident I should be in my disdain. So far, it looks like I should be pretty confident.

But - how do we write comedy if we can't ridicule the things that are verifiably ridiculous? We can't. Which means, the challenge becomes: how do you mock it in such a way that even the mocked will laugh? How do you pile the ridicule upon a masked target, and then unmask it.
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