Groundhog Day, for Analysis

00 minutes - Phil gives report
01 minutes - We meet Rita and Larry
02 minutes - Opening credits
05 minutes - Phil is a dick, Rita cheerful (Rita-Phil interaction)
08 minutes - First time: Groundhog Day
13 minutes - With the groundhog (Phil's report)
16 minutes - Trapped by blizzard (officer turns them back)
19 minutes - Second time: Groundhog Day (first repeat)
26 minutes - Third time: Groundhog Day (broken pencil confirms)
28 minutes - Phil sees doctors (is it in Phil's head?)
30 minutes - New locations (bowling alley), admitting it's real
32 minutes - Getting reckless / crime
35 minutes - 4th time through, happy, no consequences
39 minutes - 5th time through, taking advantage, making plans (other women)
41 minutes - Finally: skipping ahead indeterminate amount of time (robbery)
42 minutes - Another skip - gags now - movie night
43 minutes - Getting to know Rita (Rita-Phil interaction)
46 minutes - Fast repeats to woo Rita begin
50 minutes - Snow man scene, a perfect moment in snow
54 minutes - Phil spoils perfect day (pushing too hard)
56 minutes - Back to snow man scene (desperate now)
57 minutes - Slap montage, dark turn, back to Groundhog reporting
58 minutes - Dark clock slo-mo, depressed Phil in bed, Jeopardy gag
59 minutes - Angry, clock smashing
60 minutes - Groundhog theft and suicide begins
65 minutes - Suicide is pointless, suicide montage
66 minutes - I am a god
70 minutes - Rita believes him, proposes doing something more
74 minutes - Phil confesses love to sleeping Rita
75 minutes - Phil wakes up alone, has renewed attitude
76 minutes - Gives money to bum, brings coffee to Rita and Larry (improving self)
77 minutes - Self improvement montage begins
80 minutes - Tries to help homeless man
82 minutes - Phil's masterpiece Groundhog report (philosophical)
83 minutes - Phil helping others
85 minutes - Groundhog ball
87 minutes - Dancing with Rita, everyone thanks him, he is selfless
90 minutes - Bachelor auction begins
92 minutes - Rita buys Phil
94 minutes - Phil & Rita kiss / are happy (Phil surprised by snow)
95 minutes - Fake-out "You Babe" - Rita turns off alarm

"Anything different is good."

"Do you know what today is? It's tomorrow. It happened!"


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