First Days

Tomorrow is my first day at The Steel Company, where I will be employed for approximately one month. I am overwhelmingly, almost comically sad about leaving Niad. I've never liked anyplace I've worked ever before, and I go and fall in love with a place that doesn't pay me anything.


At least I know I'm capable of liking a place I work. Sort of like my relationships: evidence that things are working, but not working out. Yet.

More tomorrow.


  1. I hear you bro, no relationship or job is every perfect. You either enjoy it and get paid dick. Or you hate it and they pass out free money. She's either completely wrong for you, but completely in love with you, or she's completely right for you, while be completely in love wih someone else.
    Ah but there is hope, and that hope is statistics. Eventually everything is possible.


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