And Feel That Way Forever

I have to bite my tongue so that I don't accidentally quit work today. If this almost-week off doesn't reset the system, I'm not long for this position.

Meanwhile, I was reading about alcoholics last night, and determined that I'm not an alcoholic. I am, however, a sleep-a-holic. How could anyone sleep only the amount that they need? Who wouldn't want that feeling to just go on, and on, and on?


  1. Tricks
    Sorry I didn't respond earlier; I've been out of state, filming. Which means that tricks is good. Just finished seeing some old friends and making a ridiculous little movie. Now I'm back on the West Coast and ready to try and remember how to have fun here too. Any thoughts?
    How're you doing?

  2. Re: Tricks
    What kind of ridiculous little movie?
    There's a lot to do here for fun. I have to make an active effort to not have fun sometimes, because there's so much going on.
    It takes a long time to sink into L.A. I've lost more roommates that way: they give up too soon.
    Want some help? It'd be nice to see you have fun.

  3. Re: Tricks
    I am in your hands. But I work from 10 to 7 on weekdays, and I guard my sleep like a jealous lover, so that'll have to be worked around. E-mail me your schemes:

  4. Re: Tricks
    sent you an email.


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